Monday, August 23, 2010

And more!

Samus is coming along nicely. I added a little subtle waist shaping, not too much, since there wasn't much ease to begin with, but a little is better than none.
My sister and my darling niece were up this weekend. Avery wanted to help me knit, but I told her not on this one, so she got some needles and a ball of the wool for the sweater, and poked the needles in and out of it. When she asked me if she was doing it right, I said yes, of course. Her using them as chopsticks to pick up the ball was a little suspect, though.
She's only 2 1/2. I think I'll wait until she's at least 4 before I start to teach her.
In the Shetland Islands, knitting has been taught in school as part of the curriculum for more than 60 years. It has just been taken out as part of budget cuts. How sad. Knitting has been such a vital part of the Shetlands for so long, and the referenced article from the BBC says that many of the new designers got their start in school. Fair Isle is one of the islands, for pete's sake!


Anonymous said...

HELLO!!!! She's 3 1/2. She's smart - but not THAT smart!
Besides, she's almost as tall as me. It's one thing to have a 3 1/2 year old neice almost as tall as me....quite a different story if she was 2 1/2!

The Queen said...

She's 3 1/2??? Man, I have to lay off the drugs. I'm missing a whole year!

Anonymous said...

Avery,born on April 10, 2007 at 11:37 a.m.,weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz.

And I don't think it's drugs with you, more likely the tequila!

The Queen said...

Let's be honest, it's a combination of things!