Friday, March 2, 2012

Wee Baby Things!

Whenever I knit things for friends having babies, the finished objects always seem unbelievably tiny to me. I remember doing things for my niece, and taking them down to London when she was born. She was the first baby I ever had any real contact with, and all those tiny little handknit things I made were too huge for her to wear right away! I was shocked.

Now I know a little better. Even when I knit things that are supposed to be 'newborn' size, I know that the child in question won't be able to wear it for a few months, at least. Maybe I should try knitting preemie sizes for the next one!

These are for my friend Heather, expecting her first any day now. Since they'll be worn in the spring, I went with a lovely new leaf green shade, with bug buttons!

This is a Debbie Bliss pattern, from her Step-by-Step book, done in her EcoBaby cotton yarn, which was a joy to work with. I'd use it again.

I had a fair bit left over, so I whipped up this 'Leafy Baby' hat. There are mittens with the pattern as well, but I only did the had. And sewed on a ladybug for added cuteness!

And last, but oh so NOT least, these amazing little baby Chucks!! Aren't they the cutest things you've ever seen? Heather & her husband Pat are funky people, so The Kid will require funky clothing. This is to set him/her on the road to funk. They seem impossibly tiny to me, but hey, what do I know?

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