I really don't know why they took me so long. When I went into my Ravelry project page to tag them for the Ravelympics as finished, I was shocked to see that my start date on them was July 9. Many sock knitters have the problem where they finish the first sock, then take forever to finish the second, if they do at all. I have never had that problem before. And I don't understand why it was a problem this time. The wool was nice to work with, the stitch pattern was easy & I memorized it after only 2 repeats, I mean they're socks for goodness sakes. There's nothing hard about them in general (I know there are exceptions, but this was not the pair to be that exception). Regular heel turning, nothing special about the toe, nada. I just don't get it.
So in the Ravelympics, I signed up for WIPS (works in progress) Dancing. I had expected to finish the sock, a Pea Pod baby set and Middlemarch, which of course got frogged. I finished the sock last night at about 2am while watching The Twilight Zone.
And Stephanie Pearl-McPhee? She finished a whole bloody sweater. Sure, she nearly went insane doing it, but she's a knitter. It comes with the territory. I am so ashamed.
And I don't even have any pics to prove I'm finished, because I left my camera at school.