Thanks to the greatest brother in law in the world, I'm up and running again! So regular posts shall return, and updates shall ensue.
My darling sweet
niece was born in early April, and I'm a bit in shock over it. I have no experience with babies, and so here I am knitting these wee tiny things that I think are impossibly small, but then when I took them down to my sister, they're two or three times bigger than the baby! They won't fit her for months, if not years! How odd. And most of them were 0 - 3 month sizes, too. I guess I'm going to have to learn how to design baby stuff that will actually fit a baby.
Photo of a sweater and slippers I made out of Debbie Bliss'
Cashmerino (leftovers from my 'Heather' sweater) from her
Baby Cashmerino book will be coming as soon as I can get photos to upload without timing out. Damn windows vista/
dial up Internet combination!!!